Today, I thought I'd share with you a half scale garment I've been working on for a historical pattern making class I'm in. This is fairly typical evening silhouette from the third bustle period (Victorian Era circa 1880s). I absolutely love working with half scales, even more so on my Featherweight!
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Last week I reviewed the popular Singer 221. While the demand for 221 Featherweights is high, they are by no means rare, after all, these black beauties were in production for over 40 years! Throughout it's production lifetime, Singer manufactured over 2 million 221s. Just do a quick search on eBay or Craigslist and you'll find no shortage of them. Today I'll be discussing the Singer 222k, a far less common free-arm variant.
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If you have any interest at all in vintage sewing machines you've most likely have heard of Singer's famous Featherweight. Don't let this diminutive half sized cutie fool you, this is one the most robust and capable portable machines on the market today. First introduced in the early 1930s, the Featherweight was one of Singer's best sellers for many years and has gone through a number of variations.
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